
My skills
- Front-end development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, jQuery) - Back-end development
(Node.js, PHP, Databases using mySQL, mongoDB, APIs) - Websites, landing pages, blogs and stores
(Bootstrap, WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify) - Mobile applications
(AppJS, Adobe Phonegap Build)

Who am I
I am Sherezz ‘Rezzie’ Grant
I am a full-stack web developer currently based in Trinidad and Tobago.
I create and build clean, user-friendly and beautiful websites and applications.
See my projects to see what I can do for you.

My education
2018 - Codeworks
Software Engineering
2017 - Udemy
Complete Developer Course 2.0

My strengths
I have always loved being creative, with a strong background in music production.
I also have an eye for layouts and design, and use this strength to satisfy the user experience.
Combined with my love of problem-solving, listening and learning, these strengths make me a brilliant web developer.

Ready? Let's get creative.
Click Contact Me to get started.

Who am I
I am Sherezz ‘Rezzie’ Grant
I am a full-stack web developer based in Trinidad and Tobago.
I create and build clean, user-friendly and beautiful websites and applications.
See my projects to see what I can do for you.

My strengths
I have always loved being creative, with a strong background in music production.
Combined with my love of problem-solving, listening and learning, these strengths make me a brilliant web developer.
I also have an eye for layouts and design, and use this strength to satisfy the user experience.
My skills
- Front-end development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery) - Back-end development
(PHP, Databases using mySQL, APIs) - Websites, landing pages, blogs and stores
(Bootstrap, WordPress, WooCommerce) - Mobile applications
(AppJS, Adobe Phonegap Build)

My education
I completed the Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 in Udemy in December 2017.
I will be starting the Immersive Software Engineering Program in Codeworks, a leading Barcelona coding bootcamp, in June 2018.
This is so I can improve on my skills in full-stack web development using JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks like Node, React, Angular and Meteor.

Ready? Let's get creative.
Click Contact Me to get started.